Okay, there is a meme for almost everything now. Bad luck Brian, Scumbag Steve, all of the rage comics.. I could list them all but it would take forever. Head on over to the IMDB to check the rest out. No, not the Internet Movie Database that we are accustomed to, but the Internet Meme Database.
For those who haven't somehow seen this show, Pawn Stars is basically a reality show about the daily dealings made in the pawn shop in Las Vegas. Their claim to fame is basically getting the weirdest and most valuable things around, with the tag line being, "You never know what's going to walk through that door." Well, I may not know whats going to walk through that door everyday, but I can be sure the experience of the seller and the haggle is the same EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. This is where the meme became hilarious to me.
Basically, someone brings in a crazy/weird/old/valuable item. Rick (shop owner) has no idea what the value of it is, so he brings in his buddy who's an expert in the field. The expert spits out some number and then the seller says that's the amount that he wants to sell it for. Rick says no, and then goes absurdly low on the offer. Get it? I mean, the guy has to make money somehow.
First of all, how does Rick have a "friend" or a "buddy" in all of these crazy fields? Oh you brought us a mummy? Sure, let me bring my buddy in who's an expert in Egyptian mummies. Oh, you have the ark of the covenant? Hold on, let me call my friend who's an expert in arks of the covenant. Seriously though, he really does have an expert in every field just waiting on his phone call so they can get their 2 minute spot on the History channel.
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point proven? |
The other hilarious part of this meme is how they poke fun at how awful Rick's offers to the sellers can be. When the seller tells Rick how much he wants, Rick will almost always say no and immediately offer almost nothing back. The guy could have something that's worth $10,000 and Rick's offer will be around $2,000. The internet absolutely ate this up. Oh you have something that's priceless? The best I can do is $500 cash right now.
Either way, I still watch the show. I find it hilarious to watch people argue the value of random things. Also, watching Chumlee be a complete idiot fascinates me.